30-day Free Trial

This is the application page for '30-day Free Trial.' Please fill out the below items and click the 'Apply' button.

Fleekdrive for Salesforce Trial

(You‘ll move to AppExchage)

Family name
Given name

※It uses for user ID.

※Please enter in email-address format.

※User ID you used can not be used.

If the terms outlined on 'Privacy Policy' meet with your approval and refer to the 'Terms of Use (Japanese)',
please fill out the above form and click the submit button.

  • Applications are only acceptable from legal entities and personal business owners. Applications from individuals will not be accepted.
  • Fleekdrive has the right to suspend the trial program without applicant’s permission when a usage of personal free email, carrier email, or one-time email is determined.
  • The purpose of the trial program is limited to the evaluation and verification of Fleekdrive’s service functions.
  • Fleekdrive has the right to suspend the trial program without applicant’s permission when it determines that the applicant is a competitor of Fleekdrive.
  • Fleekdrive will contact you within three business days from the date the application was received.
  • The trial program is available for Fleekdrive’s Business Plan only. If you wish to try a different plan, please contact us from the inquiry form.